charliesmumm Member


  • Just wondering if you have a recipe for roasted chicpeas? that sounds amazing but have never tried them before.
  • thank you for all the new friends! I was so excited when I logged on and saw I had some new mommy friends. As a Canadian, love that about half are from Canada/half from the States :) Quick question for nursing moms working on losing weight: I am nursing a toddler, so I have been clicking the food option for “breastfeeding…
  • I have a one year old and am lower than my prepregnancy weight, but still overweight. Aiming to see if I can loose 10 lbs, and if so, I will reevaluate my goal. I have found 2 friend so far but would love some new mommy friends too - especially anyone else trying to figure out how to continue to keep up a milk supply and…