

  • klabeau, I just did a search and there is some sold at GNC is that the same? is it in pill form or drops? I am interested and have been for a few weeks.
    in HCG Comment by ddree June 2011
  • Tothose on HCG where did you get it from? I have read about it but it seems that it is not available in the states, unless i overlooked something. :wink:
    in HCG Comment by ddree June 2011
  • I'm in.. I am 5'2" with about 60 baby fat lbs to loose!
  • I am starting today also but confused on how to count the calories. Does any one have an accurate calorie count for level 1, 2, 3? thanks!
    in 30 DAY SHRED Comment by ddree June 2011
  • bump
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