Hi please add me as well! so many womens IIFYM groups to know which one to join!! The one I am in now is totally unsupportive and theres no help!!! my name is Kerri Shomette
I've recently dealt with this even before I got interested in IIFYM, it's hard to eat good in a situation where you don't have much control and it'd be wierd to speak up and say no to certain things.... Like my boyfriends mom would always make food that was delicious but so bad for you. Not to mention you have no idea what…
IIFYM which stands for "if it fits your macros."... body builders use it but its also helpful for people who have smaller specific attainable goals, people who just wanna shed some extra fat (like 35 lbs) rather than loose a ton or something. its basically what everyone said on here... tracking macros and calories :) That…