Before your tryouts, do 15-20 minutes light cardio and stretching to Increase blood flow to the affected areas and increae range of motion. Personally, I would also use a NSAID such as ibuprofen as a one off ;)
Did you enter your bodyweight into the treadmill or elliptical trainer? If not, this is why ;) Usually, there is an option to customise your workout on most C.V machines (a custom button) which should allow you to enter your bodyweight for a more accurate account of kcals used. Im sure that most C.V machines will presume…
The first thing you should do is tell your trainer that you felt sore and that it impacted on another scheduled activity. Chances are your trainer hasnt taken into account activities you do outside the gym (which they should) when developing and periodising your workout plan. However, as long as your not so sore that you…