

  • I've been feeling frustrated too but I try to tell myself that even if I'm not loosing weight right now the exercise is still making me healthier (I hope!). I'm not giving up on myself and I hope you continue to feel determined....good luck!!!
  • Thank you for replying! Do you mean that I eat the 1200 plus whatever I burn doing exercise? If so, is it best to try and eat all of them? I had read that the body tries to "hold on" to stored fat if food consumption decreases significantly. Anyway, I'll try that and see what happens. I'm not ready to give up yet so I…
  • I don't drink water. Does it matter that much?
    in Why? Comment by dsvflath July 2008
  • Hi everyone, I've been trying to stay within the 1200 cal a day but generally fall between 1400-1500. I burn about 568 per day with exercise which I do daily but am not loosing any more weight. I initially lost 8 lbs pretty easily but am kind of stuck here at 180 and 30 lbs more to loose. Does anyone have any advice? I've…
  • First, I hope you can appreciate his concern about your health. I'm afraid I have no advise regarding nutrition and/or exercise since I'm confused myself. However, I think perhaps there may be some middle ground. Some way that you can keep in mind calorie and fat content but also not be emotionally connected or bound to…
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