jjlazar Member


  • I do boxing and kickboxing and running. I'll be 37 in 2 weeks and my husband says I have a nicer rear and bod then most 20 something's lol. Then again he's got to live with me ha ha. But honestly I just started the boxing and kickboxing 14 months ago and I've not lifted a weight since (ok rarely) and I have more muscles…
  • You can journal your entries here, exercise, put up notes to remind you on the fridge and you might get somewhere for a long time even, BUT it will all be uneventful in the long run if you just don't make the decision to NOT eat that way because at some point you will be dealing with the same problem because it hasn't been…
  • I'm no health consultant, but based off what you shared, I'd say your probably gaining muscle mass and losing a few inches. You said you only lost 2 lbs but in 4 weeks that is 1/2 lb a week! I'd say thats great! And you notice your clothes fit differently. I have the same issue sometimes. I'm 33, 5'7" 133lbs and my…
  • YOUR BEAUTIFUL AND YOU CAN DO THIS!! Everyone has said the truth, it's you that must motivate you. But having an overweight daughter I know what it's like to see someone lose desire when they feel trapped and unmotivated. Know this. You were created in the image of God and he has equipped you with all you need to achieve a…