IM going to look into it
I'm a Texan, living in Oklahoma :/ :/
Im an only child, and I hate it.
I like them :) I have two sets in my hears and my tounge done. Thats all I want.
When I was heavier, I was asked once when I was due. A male friend of mine use to tell me that I would be stripper hot, if i lost some weight...and everytime he saw me he would grab a little fat from my arm and say " You haven't been working out" Now, back when I was a kid, say middle school days, I was picked on because I…
Im 5'10 and weigh 145lbs. I wear a size 6/7 and sm/med shirt. My goal is to be 138 which is my prepregnancy weight...My daughter is 20 months so its taking forever
I think making it this way tastes better too.
Im a Gemini, born in '80 How original eh?
awesome job. Keep it up.
Awesome job! And you look great :)
I don't really get flattered by it anymore, but it always puts a smile on my face. Im never offended.
Im in. When will you decide what the challenge is?
I like my eyes, my lips and my long neck. :)
Im new, and going to add you. Pester me all you want, it's exactly what I need. :)