NJamison69 Member


  • I am so right there with you! I started LCHF not too long ago and have had a terrible time not having all of the veggies I'm used to or even some of the fruit. So I decided to do a 'moderate' low carb plan and reincorporate my beloved fruits and veggies and just ditch the other carb foods. I'm back to eating my Super…
  • @ksy1969: Thank you for the info!! I've decided to see what happens when I attempt to consume 1200 calories per day. I had a HUGE lunch today about 30 mins after my workout (I was legitimately hungry) and ate until I was full. Quite nice, actually. This large meal just means I'll have to wait longer to do the big workout…
  • Okay, nevermind. I found it (TDEE and BMR) and when I calculated my info, I strongly disagree. But, we'll see what happens.
  • Can someone tell me what TDEE is and what it's used for?
  • Thank you so much, OP for starting this thread!! I've always wondered about the 'eating back your calories' and if that actually works. I'm 44 years old and have been battling my weight (obesity) for over 3 decades. Apparently, according to the MFP calculator, I am supposed to be eating a net caloric base of 1200 per day…
  • Do you say Pop or Soda? - Soda Hoagies or Subs? - Sub Lightening bugs or fireflies? - Fireflies :smile:
  • 80s channel on the TV. Helps me keep motivated when I'm doing chores!!
  • My Why? For my life For my health For my emotional health To be rid of my diabetes To be rid of my high blood pressure To be rid of my chronic depression To feel even more sexy than I already am :wink: To feel better when I lay next to my honey. To be able to find clothes easier and cheaper (big girl clothes are always…
  • I would love to help motivate you!! That is, if you'll motivate me too!!:wink: I've been battling with my weight as far back as I can remember and really need to stick with my goals. My partner and I have been working on getting our health together for about a year and in that time I've quit smoking, he's quit drinking, we…