Tera2KiloByte Member


  • Can I unfriend myself? We are currently separated and it just gets awkward sometimes.
  • I agree.. that poor kid and his arm.
  • Is it bad that I'm ok with that except the 6 hours in a gym.
  • They should have Little Debbie be not so little, it "might" make some think twice. LOL
  • Your on their list too. At least now I know I am not the only one.
  • Now it is getting kinda scary, almost stalker like. I'm in the shadows, under your bed, and in the back seat of your car. LOL
  • LOL, that's pretty good, a friend that even the friend doesn't know.
  • I am a WW quitter as well. I hate the fact that you didn't really know how good or more often how bad some foods were until you had a math professor to do the calculations that involved numerous stats.
  • My wife told me the same thing, "first thing you need to do is write an intro post.". I just found this site a few days after my wife did. I was using weight watchers but I wasn't really following it to well. I feel that this site is a lot better and the people are really friendly. So, I say Welcome.
  • When it comes to food and many other things in life, I too lack self control. I am a big chocolate fan. Every Easter I have to have a 1 pound solid chocolate bunny. The only thing that works for me is don't bring it in the house. If it is in my house I will consume it like a starving lion at a steakhouse. I am lucky that…
  • I chew gum all day long at my desk. I can go through one of those cups of gum pieces in less than two weeks. If I can get pass my wife with a flavor other than mint, it can be easily gone in a few days.
  • I used to be addicted to soda (D.Coke was my drug). Then I quit cold turkey, which was one of the worse things I ever did. I was up to about 6 cans a day as a high, like on the weekends. I felt so sick for days, I was even thinking about leaving work on one of the days. I was doing good not drinking soda for a while, I…
  • Thanks, My wife found this site a few days ago and showed it to me. I was trying out Weight Watchers, but this site seems much better and plus it if free.