

  • As a Beachbody Coach, I agree with many of the posts here. There is no one necessary solution for everyone. Anyone that you can get fit is great. Probably the cheapest exercise is running, but even then you need to purchase running shoes. That said te 21 Day Fix is a great product. In the challenge groups I run, people get…
  • Honestly keep it simple. Given that you have been healthy in the past, you probably know everything you need to do. Has your baby arrived yet? The only warning I'd give you, is that sleep (or lack therefore) can mess with everything after baby arrives. If you can afford it (and find one) get a gym with childcare. You and…
  • All I can say is our bodies are incredibly complex. I'll lose weight on weeks I don't think I should and gain weight when I've been on point with exercise and eating. I use the scale as a long term gauge only. Keep doing what you're doing…you're doing sooo many things right. Don't let a stupid scale take that away from you!
  • I'm 41... So pretty close. Are you looking to lose weight or just get stronger? Weights will help a lot but I think finding a way to add some cardio will help. The easy way is to add some interval running into your program...if you can get out of the house. Check out tabata running on google for one approach. The other…
  • It sound like you're doing lots well. Don't worry about when you work out. The best time to work out is when you can. The only problem with working out late at night is it can make you hyper and not sleep well. If you're looking for more information and motivation, I'm part of Facebook private group community for weight…
  • No problem! Happy to help! My girl like to join in too, but she's 8 so quite a difference. I'm glad you like the program! It's really important to enjoy what you do. Is it possible to get help from your family or friends? Could someone in your life look after/play with/entertain your daughter 3-4 times a week so you can…
  • It's hard figuring out a workout routine with kids! Anyway, I'll give you my thoughts…any exercise will help but you won't burn too many calories just walking…you'll want to make sure your eating is really on track. How is your eating? Are you tracking your food? The DVD would help but I'm not sure you really like it. I…
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