oystereyes Member


  • Hello! Sort of sunny here. High clouds and a patch of blue here and there. Okay! The elderberry Bush is in full leaf now. This old strongheart is always the first to leaf out. The berries provide dessert for deer and birds. The roots go down to the center of the earth so what ever pruning we do is soon recovered. Our sweet…
  • Rainy day again! Again! Again! But so far no snow or local flooding to speak of. That’s the good news. This time of year I get so impatient for warm sunny weather, it is hard for me to remember how uncomfortable I get in the heat of the summer. What a crazy thing I am. I guess I really want sunny days with 65-70 degrees 12…
  • We have a big wind storm going on. There had been a big tour boat scheduled to dock in Astoria for a couple of days but they rescheduled due to the storm. The tour boats always bring a lot of local business so everyone was disappointed. These kind of storms bring down big trees and the river is full of floating logs. Very…
  • About the MFP password change...I am really in a pickle on that score. I tried and they emailed me a link with instructions. I did as they instructed. Didn’t work! They said they didn’t recognize the new password. I did this several times trying different words etc. no dice!!!! Then I deleted my account. Not sure if that…
  • Hello dear sneakers! Today is rainy and a bit cold. I think this weather has me in a mood for some sort of self gratification. Very dangerous! Shopping? Baking? Eating? Spring fever and ready for a change. I see tiny green leaves/buds on the elderberry Bush. The deer family that nibbles everything is enjoying breakfast,…
  • Foggy and cold here as well...the yearning for spring has me grumpy and wanting to get my pot gardens going on the deck. I believe I can do a bit of flower planting this year. Katie is a Teny-tiny bit settled down. I will be doing a bit of amazon shopping over coffee Then I need to brush dear Katie, and the usual clean up.…
  • Not sure if I can post photos of the anniversary flowers John gave me. I will again. Patsy
  • Good morning! I am up a bit early. Not sure I can keep my eyes open. Katie and John are still tucked in. Katie sleeps on her tuffet with a blanket and a little pillow. She is such a busy-body, she has to follow me into our living room. I am enjoying my hot water and lemon before I decide what’s next Katie has relocated to…
  • Good morning springtime bunnies! I awoke early to find frozen hail on the deck and dark clouds on the horizon. It didn’t feel much like spring but in reality, it is very much like a normal spring. Not what we want but the patten repeats. Anne: What you describe sounds sounds wonderful. Katie would be beside herself with…
  • Thank you all for the anniversary wishes. We are together and more than ever we realize how important friends and family are. Caring for each other and other dear friends is what makes life sweet. You all mean so much to me. Patsy
  • Hello everyone and happy Easter! I am glad I am still able to post and read the sneaker forum. Easter here was steelhead salmon, tossed salad, broccoli, pasta with hollandaise sause, carrot cake and chocolate bunnies. The best part was being with family. Have a wonderful day with family, friends, and or a peaceful day,…
  • Beautiful day today! Partly cloudy coolish, but still very pleasant. Katie and I did my exercises out on the back deck. Katie kept a close eye on the resident crow flock. They comment on every activity. I rather like them. I know, sadly, they are robbing nests like crazy. But it is the cycle of life I guess. Taxes are done…
  • Okay Buzz! Here we go! John and have been married 55 years. We were married in a blooming peach orchard in Grand Junction. Colorado. My bouquet was made of small limbs of peach blossoms and other blooming wild flowers. My wedding cake was carrot cake cupcakes. There was a tower of cupcakes for the guests along with a punch…
  • It isn’t raining! It seems to be a high cloud cover, so maybe no rain today. Still very chilly out. Today will be a bit of shopping for a Easter dinner. AND John has an appointment to get the taxes done by our accountant. It is always a relief to get that done and over. Anne: your knowledge of English history is…
  • Hello everyone. It feels like Sunday to me!?? John is taking on the tax prep and the leaking bathroom sink. I am doing laundry, and attacking various cleaning tasks. I was so happy to read Anne’s post about her life and her contentment. Words to live by! I am happy but not as content. I think it is because I have been…
  • I think this will not be a productive day. I really had a restless night. Allergies! Headaches and gluey eyes, runny nose, it was all too familiar. Jackie: I can’t tell you how sorry I am about dearest Boris. Your attitude is so wonderful. You are an inspiration. I need to adopt your method of dealing with loss. Boris had…
  • Barbie: Happy Birthday to our dancing sneaker. I know you must love music as much as I do. When you have a dance that you put on YouTube...let us know! Maybe a birthday dance would be appropriate! Many happy regards of the day. Patsy
  • Today, early this morning I had to go to VAMPIRE CENTRAL, I had to have a blood draw for the rest of my physical. I will not take the blood thinners unless things get very dicey. So far things are going along pretty well. After some discussion, I think our doctor handles things pretty poorly. He seems to go by the age. At…
  • Just a few moments before I must get going...first note to Jackie. I firmly believe we didn’t really elect DJT. I believe he was planted in office by others. They were assisted by a small hapless group of folks who have felt ostracized for years. We didn’t get what we wanted or voted for. That’s just my opinion and my sad…
  • A late good morning ladies! We are zipping along here. I am wrinkling my nose at coffee with almond milk. But I am now thinking of finding a protein powder to use in the coffee if I can find one that isn’t a powdered toxic cocktail. Not easy to find. We have high thin clouds, sort of chilly but Kate and I were out playing…
  • Oh Anne! I think the Outer Hebrides looks like paradise. I absolutely love the crofter’s cottage. I’d move in tomorrow. By the way...what is a crofter? Having coffee without cream...bleck! Veggies without salt...double bleck. I must readjust my taste buds. I can still have hot peppers however. Life is good. Tonight I fix…
  • Good early morning. I always think of Anne and her early mornings. I fear I just can’t stay up until after midnight and still get up early. Something needs to be adjusted. I would love to get up early as a habit. But not to be I think. I waver between yea and nay on the blood thinner. Yes, drugs for that health issue have…
  • Hi everyone. Today we talked on the phone all day it seemed. Our son and our daughter. I am still limping around and not very happy about it. Also got a phone call from my doctor on Saturday morning and he wants me to start taking a blood thinner. That is terrifying! I read all about them and that is a scary life altering…
  • Oh Lin! Thank you for posting Lucas. Isn’t it charming? I wish all spiders were that charming. The animation technique is the kind of thing our son does. Well my knee is just a little bit better today. I still do not have full range of movement. But the pain is much less. Swelling is going down but still noticeably…
  • Well it didn’t post! Too bad. Lucus the spider issoooo cute in YouTube. How do we post a YouTube video? Patsy
  • Oh I love little Lucy’s the spider[url="http://"][/url]
  • Oh Sandy! How miserable! You always enjoy your little condo and it looked so uncluttered and neat. I hate to think about your having to leave it. I am longing to live nearer our son. He is thinking of a big business relocation to Seattle. That might work for us if we could relocate to a suburban island. I think I have…
  • Hello! The physical went fine. EXCEPT when I fell getting out of the car and really twisted my knee. Like I have voiced before, suddenly Life changed! I am now hobbling around, cussing my way around the house. John is trying to handle my part of our daily chores. He is a champ. However this morning my knee is just a tiny…
  • Hello lovelies! I am off for that physical today. Here is an interesting event. Our doctor advocates a Life for seniors that includes a bit of favorite foods, a small drink of alcohol occasionally, as much social activity and sleep as possible. Exercise all muscles and weight lift light weights. If we do all these things…
  • Hello everyone! High clouds and quite cool...but no snow, ice, or rain! How perfect is this March day? I am sort of off the mark still adjusting to DST. It is only one hour but what a crazy thing. I am totally tangled up on schedule of the day. One thing that keeps me scratching my head is this awful looking amaryllis. It…