

  • Thanks CurlieGirl! Thanks for the tips! I will be checking them out tonight! Maybe when I get paid in mid May I can stock up on those good snacks or grab some from the dining hall. I'm no stranger to cooking but I can't afford my own groceries! I will be trying to change things up this week! My progress will be blogged for…
  • Thanks CariBossow! Thank you for sharing your story! You are gorgeous! I don't skip meals purposely unless it's to grab a half an hour extra of sleep in the morning but I'm going to stop doing that! I will definitely take the advice of taking a brisk walk if I've gone over my calorie intake for the day! Your advice was…
  • Thanks esteeflo! Unfortunately, I don't have access to some of the things you mentioned because I'm broke LOL and the dining hall doesn't offer many things,AND the dining hours suck so I have to eat what they have. And though I do have protein powder of my own, I don't have access to juice or milk usually and it would be…
  • Thanks abroughton1978! I appreciate the feedback! I was able to work out today and eating went a little better. Since the semester is almost over, its difficult finding the motivation to get out of bed for breakfast, and if I dont up up on time, it's over at 9:30! Our dining hall has such strict dining hours it sucks! But…
  • I'm getting to graduate from my undergrad, and my fitness routine is lackluster to say the least! I'm worried that I will develop a great routine this summer while I have time off, and then ruin it when I start grad school in the fall! Help!