

  • Wow that's great that you've found a way to get around your injuries whilst still finding a way to work out! So cool, the gadgets that are around nowadays. I guess the benefit of that is that you can work out at home too. I'm actually looking forward to finding ways of working out now :)
  • Hey bbardwell0916, that sounds like a great idea. I'm really sorry about your depression and I understand how it feels when it gets the better of you. What kind of exercise do you do? I've started to go to my local gym so hopefully like you say the exercise will start to lift my mood as well
  • Thank you for your reply Mrsmartinek. I am trying to do as you say and focus on the positives. I'm respected at work and just got a new job. Things are on the up in many aspects of my life, which is helping me to see the sun behind the clouds. I suppose the biggest challenge for me is how to lose weight safely without…
  • Surely there is someone out there with some advice, some words of encouragement even? I don't know anybody else with bulimia or emotional eating. Just looking for something to give me some encouragement and motivation, really. It's hard to lose weight alone.
  • Nice to meet you Em. I'm new here, 28 year old female from the UK.