

  • I have got some, but you know when you chomp into that solid block of gorgeousness? nothing else will do it ...
  • Yknow, I would never lose weight if I went over my calories, I have to stick rigidly to them or I stay static for weeks on end-and I need to be getting into a very glam dress in a couple of weeks, which is verrrrry tight at the mo, so I'm gonna torture myself and think about choc, and not eat it!! but thanks for…
  • I changed my mind, I wont sell my Dog, I love her too much, but ok well, I would sell my husband.. anyone?
  • Fishy snot:laugh:
  • I just bought some to see what they were like, and er well, lets just say they are strange! I wont be buying them again :grumble:
  • common sense really, but desperate to lose my jelly muffin top! it all started at 40....
  • As someone once said to me, some things are more important than calories-enjoy! :flowerforyou:
  • I'm 5.1 weigh 158 as of today-mum died and I gave up smoking, but I was never less than 136lbs-would love to even get down to that! :flowerforyou: Please add me xxx
  • Join my club-only mines been a downhill trend for 8 weeks! I think I put the whole 10 pounds on I lost, but am too scared to weigh myself. I started again on sunday-I am not whole heartedly passionate about my weight loss like I was, but I really dont want to become how I used to be, so you just hae to remind yourself of…
  • Hi there, All the warnings about the side effects are meant to scare you, and that annoys me a bit :// If you are careful about what you are eating (and you will be if you dont want to have an accident!) then you will have absolutely no problems. I haven't had any side effects, have lost 7 -8 pounds in 4 weeks, and feel…
  • peanut butter and banana on weetabix bitesize chocolate flavour, lush!
  • Very brave, and you did it. Remember this moment, and remind yourself of it when you want to cheat. It works. Goooood luck, take it slow, and you will get there :):flowerforyou:
  • Debt Counsellor-very busy..
  • Wow, I expect you are overwhelmed with this fantastic amount of support you are getting from this community, but just to say I understand how you are feeling as I too have been through something similar, if you want to add me, please feel free. Very strong coming back after such a short time-well done :flowerforyou:
  • Hi there-live in london, but a scouser at heart. Feel free to add me :flowerforyou:
  • Hi there-from London, so feel free to add me. Baby is a cutie :flowerforyou:
  • wholewheat pasta with home made tomato and garlic sauce-omg yum :tongue:
  • grilled tuna steak, green beans, sweetcorn, tomatoes, mushrooms. Now I really want something baaaaaaaaaaad :grumble:
  • you like garlic, huh? does sound nice tho...
  • sounds yum
  • In the words of the mighty Adam Ant, dont drink, dont smoke, what do you do?- Have a diet soda if you damn well want one, you are on a diet, and denial is the name of the game, so if you want a little treat, what is the harm?? Burp! :glasses:
  • Well said that woman!
  • I'm not sure about America, but here we have a spray oil type thing. It is one calorie per squirt, and although is definately NOT the same taste, it helps. Yup, I think distraction is the way, get on here or, have a walk, or drink, or something similar? Good luck :wink:
  • I love carbs, and am right now taking the plunge to eat much less of them because I dont lose when I eat them in the evenings. My son was encased in pasta when I was pregnant with him, and now he is addicted to the stuff too!! They are good for B vitamins though, especially the wholemeal variety, which is good for brain…
  • but i haven't lost ANY weight yet, not even off the starting block :explode:
  • Me too! I have been more often that not, eating 1200 calories a day, not always eating back the exercise calories, but sticking rigidly to the bloody thing! I have been doing this since April 27th and not lost a pound. How do I open up my food diary and what is this HFP thing you talk about to log exercise calories-help!…
  • I am going to have a blood test on thursday to see if my thyroid is functioning properly-Whatever diet i try, and I have tried them ALL- I lose a pound or so in the first week (obviously water) AND THEN NOTHING, despite me sticking to a 1200 calorie diet or slightly more. I do about an hour of walking or gym work per day,…
    in Thyroid Comment by fmorpurgo May 2011