

  • I'm trying to tone/maintain my weight. I'm not 100% happy with my weight/body, but finally getting comfortable & confident with it. If I lose some weight I would be okay with that, also if I gain a little weight via muscle I'm also okay with that. Maintaining weight for me is hard to do- I have a sweet tooth like crazy &…
  • Hi Tania! Are you the one who started the group? If so- thank you! Glad to hear you are on the mend from your car accident also. My intro: My name is Becky- I'm 27 & getting married to the most amazing man I've ever met in November- 124 days to be exact. I'm here looking to get on track with eating healthier (I have a…
  • I love playing volleyball. I used to play 4-5 times a week, but now it's down to only once a week. Not as many places to play at anymore & I only like playing when it's competitive. Occasionally I'll play in a tournament- which I absolutely love. Great workout all around, always sore the next day! I've taken up running…