Missrunnerpants Member


  • when i first started running i could barely make it 1/4 of a mile without stopping. i was running a 13-14 min/mile and proud of myself for completing my 1.5 mile loop. day after day, run after run, things got better and easier. as long as you keep pushing yourself, make your walk/run breaks a little bit longer each day (ie…
  • i had to have my thyroid taken out in 2005 due to aggressive thyroid disease. i have been on thyroid supplements since (synthroid and cytomel) and have been to slowly but effectively gain/maintain weight. most anything counteracts with your thyroid supplement. your medication will work best if taken first thing in the…
  • while crossing my legs today i was able to wrap my ankle/foot around my other leg. can't remember the last time i could do that. whether its my new found exercise-induced flexibility or weight loss that has allowed it, it made me excited.