MegaJeanie Member


  • @vottav21 wow, how long have you been without hot water?? Yeah Noom is more about awareness and changing your thoughts so a more steady approach. But ya know what they say - steady wins the race!
  • @vottav21 Good luck with Noom! I just did a free trial and while interesting, actually preferred MFP. Enjoy learning more about the journey!
  • SW: 69.5kg Day/Weight/Comment - I lost a lot of weight around 10yrs ago and over the last few years, some of that has crept back, which makes me worried about my health. So now I'm refocusing on my diet. My goal is to get to around 62kg. My weight can vary up to 2kgs per day, my hormones and water retention aren't…
  • Whew what a day yesterday! Took my boy to swimming, then shopping, then I picked up my Nana from her village and took her back to my place. She's got dementia, and it's the first time she stayed over so quite a disrupted night as she woke up confused a few times. But here it is, the morning! And apart from being tired, I…
  • @vottav21 wow that app sounds interesting!! Go you, that's one way to motivate, I like it
  • @yukie86 welcome! Your story sounds very similar to mine. I had an office job at a factory and thought that was sedentary until I started my new one at a conservation office 😁. So I've really been focusing on my 10k steps and aiming to get a walk in each lunchtime.
  • @vottav21 that's great work! Hard to keep up a routine when you've got house guests! That app looks cool, is that with an activity tracker?
  • So yesterday was a big day with multiple family visits as we just got out of Lockdown (I'm in New Zealand). And while I went over my calorie budget, there were some wins that I'm proud of! Went to McDs and took it easy. Drank all my water goals. Then we had a big family dinner with lots of dessert and wine. But ya know…
  • Hello! I'm in a similar boat - up over 10kgs from my last blast at MFP. That was around 7yrs and a child ago. My profile pic is false advertising from back then! I'm looking forward to adding friends. I find it super motivating to look at other people's diaries and seeing how they make it work! So please feel free to add…