VegasaurusRex Member


  • According to the CDC, the RDA for protein is 10-35% ( I know a lot of raw vegans aim for an 80/10/10 ratio, but I wasn't ready to try that just yet, so I set mine to 70/15/15. Really, as long as you are eating enough calories and a variety of…
  • I accept that bees make the vegetables I eat possible, even though they are often mistreated in the process. Unfortunately, there doesn't seem to be much of an alternative to this. I can't stop eating vegetables. However, I can and do draw the line at honey. I don't know, with 100% certainty, that the bees experience…
    in honey Comment by VegasaurusRex July 2014
  • According to this page (, no. But don't let that discourage you! Meat substitutes can be really tasty (especially anything from Gardein, yum!), and they're fine for when you want something quick or are craving something meat-like. However, most are highly processed,…
  • Not all, but a lot of chocolate is produced by child and/or slave labor. Pretty much unless it's specifically marked otherwise (Fair Trade, etc.). Learning that has curbed my appetite for chocolate quite a bit.