

  • Kim I make a lot of yogurt. You need to heat the milk to 45 degree Celsius which is about 130 Fahrenheit and you mix in the yogurt well. Three tablespoons for one liter/one quart. I happened to find an old yogurt maker at a garage sale which was a real help because I can make the yogurt in the evening and it is done the…
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  • Good evening, masters of the staying fit business, the rain did not reach us, obviously everything was dumped into Arizona. Arizona is less than thirty miles from my house, but I do not think it rained at the border, I practically bike there every day. . I spent a frustrating day in the sense that I tried to install a new…
  • Interestingly enough on these threads discussing depression there seems to always be a contest, who is the most depressed . And those , who are perceived as not so depressed, are dismissed. There are enough people around who do not understand depression , those who have it , should not be part of them. There are people who…
  • Good night? Well, many of you are probably already sleeping Barbie I think abstaining works for me too. I have no willpower once I start eating something which I should not eat because it is too high in calories and bad in content. So I put myself also on a very strict eating plan and just do not buy anything tempting…
  • Hi Shana, welcome to the group. it sounds like you know what you are doing. I have a little bit the same problem. My favorite activity is biking and I do this for hours but the rest of the day, I catch myself spending too much time sitting. I tried to get into the habit of doing jumping jacks and arm exercises from time to…
  • I do not trust medications. Doctors have thrown anti depressants on me waiting if anything would stick. Well, the immediate result was substantial weight gain, which made me, a usual slim person, immediately more depressed. I also found that medication changed my brain chemistry in a way that I became aggressive and…
  • faugsu After reading your post I got curious to know how fast a dog can run. I found this. "Domestic dogs vary in size and shape so significantly that it's difficult to get a bead on just how fast they can run in general. However, most seem to travel at top speeds between 18 to 31 miles per hour, with 19 or so being the…
  • Personally I do not like treadmills nor stationary bikes. I also think it is much easier than doing the exercise outside. When I was still a member of a club I saw people hanging over the handlebars of the treadmills, taking off most of their weight .And those on the stationary bikes do not have the challenge of constantly…
  • I have a real hard time with this challenge. I am not a member of a club because I do not like to walk or bike in place going nowhere.. On the other hand it is still very hot where live and biking creates at least some cooling wind, while when I walk I just bake. I was hoping so much that I would get better and could at…
  • Daphnerose I just read your comment about being chased by a dog. it is a big problem. Last year I was pursued by two dogs and one of them bit me. The owner stood on the side walk and did absolutely nothing. It turned out that she has been reported twice before because her dogs were biting and she chose to pretend that the…
  • Patty, I just read your post abut being "ELDERLY" after fifty. I do not play a lot of games on the computer, but I like one company which is called Last Day of Work. They have games where you manage a population to grow food, make scientific progress and build communities.. Once the people hit fifty they become elderly and…
  • Sylvia I am so sorry to hear about your potter friend. It will be good for him working with you to distract him from his problems. I am also so glad to hear that you are going to have a grad student to help you. I cannot understand that she did not learn these things in college. When I studied ceramics I learned a lot…
  • YannieJannie Yes, it looks like we are going to get some flash floods again. I cannot wait for the days to get cooler. I was so excited to read that your have a friend who participates in Ironman- my dream. I have no problem with the swimming part, I was a good swimmer all my life. I probably could get the biking part in…
  • Barbie I went to the library to get the book "Salt, Sugar and Fat" but somebody had just taken it out , so I put a request on it. Thank you for the recommendation. It will be probably a few weeks before I can read it. Everybody else who commented that hey grew up with healthy and home cooked food too, I am sure there are…
  • Personally I do not trust any of these calories they give me for biking. I do not have a fitbit, but I had bike computer who gave me calories. They were always very low. MFP seems way too high. I am thinking about buying a Garmin or something similar. If MFP would be correct I would have lost tons of weight in August…
  • Beth I had to look up Perlmutter. I am deeply suspicious of any of Oprah's offsprings. While they seem interesting at the beginning, they quickly fall all in the same trap, that means they have to keep up ratings and consequently they become more tabloidy as they go on. Plus there are just so few really interesting…
  • Gail I went to that link too and like Barbie I am many pounds underweight following their recommendation. As I do not go to the doctors, nobody told me that I am not at a healthy weight. I personally want to lose more weight, because the thinner I am the better I feel. I know that is true, because I was there last year and…
  • Hello everybody, You have to understand that I come from a different experience than most of you. I grew up in Europe without fast food. My mother was a teacher for home economics and that must have included a good education in nutrition because if I look at what the gurus today recommend, what we should eat, that is what…
  • Good evening for many of you it is already good night or good morning, I spent way too much time on my computer yesterday because I was really lazy and read myself through tons of information concerning women after menopause. I read a long dissertation about weight management in post menopausal women and some points I…
  • . Mimi I saw the report of Lesley Stahl about people 90 plus. What I took away from it, is that they really do not know very much, why some people reach that age in good shape and others not.. And the only thing they said about weight is that being underweight is not good at that age. But nobody said that being at normal…
  • Okay, about cutting calories. When I go to MFP and give in my age, height and weight it tells me that my BMR is 1090 calories. That means that if I do nothing all day and eat over 1090 calories I put on weight. The other very frustrating thing is that the calorie counter for activities gives me a lot of calories burnt for…
  • Sylvia I am so happy for you that you found the dress and it fit you. I have not worn panty hoses in decades either. I just do not like them, and as I live in a warm climate, I just go without stockings when I wear a dress. They have these tiny little socks which disappear in your shoes you can wear, of course those do not…
  • Barbie and Heather, thank you for your input. I have not seen a doctor in ages. Last time I went the receptionist was obese, the nurse smoked and the physician was overweight. So I decided I can do better on my own. I am not completely buying this and I have not found anything on the Internet telling me that when i am over…
  • Greetings to all new and old members, this month I am on a biking and a walking challenge. I have a real hard time with the walking part. It is still too hot for walking and I do not have a real destination to walk to. There is a nearby park with a lake and I walk around the lake which is about a mile each time , but I…