

  • Don't give up. There was a time while I was doing this that I didn't lose anything for 5 weeks. I almost quit, thinking, "What's the point?" I have now lost 5 more pounds since then, a total of 17. So you CAN do this. Just give your body time to respond. I know that's difficult. As women we want to step on the scale every…
  • It's amazing how technology has so aided us, isn't it? My friend has lost over 50 pounds just using MFP as a tool, so she inspired me to try. Thank you for repling to my post about frustration and encouraging me to add you. It's nice to have others who motivate you. =)
  • I agree with Markus. It's jealousy. The people who are 'hatin' on you are jealous of your success. Maybe they wish they could lose weight. Or if they're already skinny, THEY cheated (pills, purged, etc.) and are angry that you are being successful the healthy way. I'll tell you what my students tell me: "Shake them haters…