twinmomtwice4 Member


  • My tummy isn't flat (and probably never will be again...ugh) but I've found that through heavy lifting, my tummy has become leaner. The only exercises I do specifically for my abs are planks and ab vacuums but other than that, I work my abs through squats and other compound moves. For cardio, I'll often do Shaun T's Hip…
  • I have the program but haven't started it yet.
  • They're really making it into a movie???!!! EEEEEKKKK!!! I'll have to see it. This book was amazing!! Loved every minute of it....I didn't want it to end!
  • I feel the same way! Wish we could wear our BMF's in the water, as I'll be spending a lot of time in the pool this summer too! If it's just casual hanging out in the pool with my kids, splashing and playing, I'll log it as leisure swimming or even treading water. When I do laps, I make sure to keep an eye on the clock so…
  • WOW!!! You look amazing!!!!!! Congratulations on your success!!!
  • I have to have at least 35-40% carbs or I fizz out during my workouts. I guess you have to base your question of whether to increase your carbs or not on how much energy you have? Do you feel like you're working at your maximum during your workouts? Do you feel like you could use more energy? If the answers are no, then it…
  • I've been told by my doctor to avoid squats and lunges temporarily until my knee heals. I was hoping between the RDL's, glute bridges and hip thrusts that my lower body wouldn't be lacking!!
  • Yes, doing it as a circuit. 20 seconds of rest between each move to adjust weights. Resting 60 seconds between each set. I do one entire circuit then rest, then repeat, rest and repeat for a total of 3 times. My goal is to lose fat/weight. I eat in a deficit (about 15%) right now so I know I probably won't be building any…
  • I used to go with a 20% cut but now I go with a 15% cut, mainly because I fear losing lean muscle mass while trying to lose weight. In the past, I'd experience such a large deficit that I would get stuck. After this happening quite a few times, I finally decided to just go with a 15% cut and the weight started to fall off…
  • cottage cheese Greek yogurt unflavored whey protein powder (I have a protein shake every day after my workout) nuts and seeds (pumpkin seeds have an AMAZING amount of protein!!!) nut butters fish (including canned tuna and salmon) chicken ground turkey beans quinoa turkey jerky (Trader Joe's has the lowest amount of sodium…
  • I go back and forth between 40/30/30 (carbs, protein and fat) and 30/35/35 (carbs, protein and fat). On lifting days I do the 40/30/30 and on non-lifting days I do the 30/35/35. It's a pain in the butt to manually go in every day and change my macros but I'm usually over on fats and under on carbs so knowing my exact…
  • Cottage cheese, greek yogurt, nuts, nut butters, unflavored whey protein powder, turkey jerky, cheese, beans, quinoa, whole wheat cous cous. Another great way to increase your protein is to eat a larger than normal portion size of lean meat or fish. Like, instead of having a 4 ounce chicken breast, have a 6 or 8 oz chicken…
  • Feel free to add me too, if you like!! I love having my friends list filled with ladies who lift!!!!
  • ^^^^^^^^^ Best reply EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • I just messaged you back but the Lean phase is where I saw the major difference...that's the last phase, where everything you've learned seems to be tied together and the focus is more upper body and core. That is where I really leaned out and began to lose inches. You also have to make sure you're eating enough to fuel…
  • I just ordered the Beautiful Bad *kitten* program and just got done reading both manuals. I have to say I feel very overwhelmed and intimidated by it all but I really really want to try it!! I workout at home so I'm limited in some of the moves but she lists several substitutions that I think I can manage! Which program…
  • Hahahaha, that's SO true!!!!!
  • I wonder the same thing. I have no clue how I survived on 1200 calories for so long. No wonder I always felt horrible!!!
  • I completely agree with Elizabeth!! I think you're doing way too much. And I definitely think there's too much cardio going on. Pick your goal and then find a program that works for you. Sometimes, with the realization that shorts and tank top weather is right around the corner, we try to stuff everything into one workout…
  • From what I remember, you and I are the same height and have about the same amount of weight to lose. The only difference between us is that you are a few years younger than me. My average TDEE is 2900-3100, depending on my workout. I agree with Alicia that you should give it a little longer and then see where you are. It…
  • I can totally understand where you're coming from and it's extremely frustrating. Just keep in mind that those people at work who are on a VLCD will be "skinny fat" versions of their old self. Sure, they may look great when they're wearing pants and long-sleeved shirts but the minute summer comes around and it's time to…
  • I've had 2 sets of twins 2 years apart. My big twins are 8 and my little twins are 6. I still have a LONG way to go until my abs are back to where they used to be pre-kids but I'm happy with my progress this far!!!
  • Any time I ride my bike, I always move my BMF to my left calf. My burn always seemed so low when it was on my arm so I tested it out. On one bike ride, I wore my HRM and then the next day, wore my BMF on my calf. The numbers were pretty close when the BMF was on my calf so that's what I've been doing from that point…
  • According to my BMF, my average TDEE can be anywhere from 2800-3000 so I go with 2900 to be safe. I eat 2300 calories per day (20% deficit).
  • Thanks for creating this group here!! :smile:
  • Thank you so much for the additional replies! I never even considered that the 10% margin of error could be up OR down!! Guess I was worried over it for nothing! I think aiming for no more than a 500 cal deficit would be wise for me!
  • Thanks for your response! Looks like you've had success too!! Bottom line sounds like I don't need to worry about that 10%! Maybe that's why my weight has been stalling here and there and coming off so slowly!
  • I'm keeping them at 2200. No point in dropping back down to 2000 again b/c that will only result in a another weight loss stall.
  • Thanks for sharing this!!!
  • oh and here's couple links to ideas for crockpot freezer meals: