

  • Wow, that is tricky indeed. Maybe you are just more sensitive in re: to your blood level and AI antibodies than other folks - i.e, what is normal for some, may be high for you. I was wondering if you have considered going gluten-free? Since you are dealing with other AI problems - GF may really make a difference for you.…
  • Yes! On top of the T3 T4, the autoantibodies are the key to uncovering hashimotos (thyroglobulin and Peroxidase). I also have her check my iodine levels - to make sure that iodine supplementation is in range. It's these sub-clinical numbers that tell the tale when your TSH is seems to be in a normal range... I'm beginning…
  • by the way, clearly I don't know how to make something in a quote appear properly in my replies, so please forgive my technical inability!
  • [/quote] There is something causing the hashi's...and once you find that, THAT is your root cause. For many people it stems from a food intolerance causing issues in your gut which creates permeability in your intestines and wwreaks havoc on your immune system. But the first step to getting better is definitely researching…
  • [/quote] You are welcome :) ZInc is up there... [/quote] Awesome...thanks! Don't know how I missed that (maybe my mind wanted to blank it out?) Anyway, after taking so many supplements and hearing that selenium is very important to boost the efficacy of iodine - I went out and bought brazil nuts. So I'm told if I eat 3 of…
  • I think hashimoto's symptoms depend on the length of time you've had it and your age, etc. And of course, not everyone has the same degree or severity of any particular symptom. I've read all the posts on this thread and am relieved to read that I am not alone re: edema, fatigue, depression, insomnia etc. I think there is…
  • Thanks for such a comprehensive list - though I did not see zinc on the list...I have heard that is good for thyroid as well? The question I have is what brands are considered best for these various supplements - as they are not all created equally and the key is absorption into the bloodstream and how best it can be…
  • Wow...finally...a safe space for talking about his. I have been at my wits end trying to make sense of my physical and emotional problems - which have escalated in the past year to critical mass. I have always been hypo (or at least for the last umpteen years) but then I guess I broke through the meds (compounded, similar…
  • editorgrrl - I have hashimoto's disease - and I hardly call asking questions about food sensitivity or edema NOT related to the disease! The fact is that hashimoto's is related to edema/lymphedema because there is a strong correlation between the 2 conditions. There are many facets to this problem and I am trying to get…
  • well I can see this thread will be a big help...not!
  • I have hashimoto's (I keep wanting to add wasabi to this diagnosis!) and am not yet at the right balance with meds (pure T3 from a compounding pharmacy). I am struggling with losing weight (which came on steadily, then quickly) and now I am 50 pounds overweight and depressed (depression linked to disease as well no doubt).…