I have been wondering the same thing! Interested to see the answers. Obviously I will continue to make healthy food choices and exercise....just wondering if these help.
Bump...I am going to try it
Me too! Bump
We are pretty close: Gender: Female Age: 41 Height: 5'2" Start Weight: 191 Current Weight: 187 Goal Weight: 135
Ok today is a tough one for me since I had to be at work at 5:30am this morning (thankfully its only once a month), but here goes: 1) drink > 8 cups of water 2) at least 30 mins of exercise 3) get to bed at a reasonable time to ensure 7 hours of sleep tonight (last night was only 4 hours)
I agree....I don't see how she could have had a job....she was working out 5-6 hours everyday! I loved this show and I love Biggest Loser; my only complaint is that it is not realistic for most people to be able to workout that many hours everyday since most people are at work at least 8-9 hours of the day. But oh well,…
I am also a day behind but would like to give it a try....not sure how this will work for me since I have severe osteoarthritis in both of my knees. But I would love to try to make it work.
Hi Everyone, I am on day 5 of cycle 1 and I have kind of an odd question....I noticed today that my gums are very sore. Has anyone else had this happen? I am thinking it may be all the vinegar? Also, has anyone else cheated? Today is a birthday in the office and I was the one to bring in the treat. The request was for…