

  • I've gone with plant fusion. Just had my first shake, it was pretty good ???? thanks for the comments guys
  • P.s I'm more than likely looking for a vegan protein powder
  • That's really interesting. I suffer with anxiety also. Taking meds. Saw a nutritional therapist and she said I'm low on magnesium. Never associated the two!!
  • You happiness and sanity is the most important thing. Not eating right can cause all sorts of problems physically and mentally as I'm sure you know. Eating disorders are rarely about being fat, it's likely to be a form of control, eating is something you can control when everything else seems uncontrollable. A therapist…
  • Ok I'm going to try both. I went back and is put on the 1.5lb I lost the previous week. In SWs defence, I ate ALOT and the fact I'm still the same weight I'm not overally worried about as I don't feel I've been dieting. Only thing I'm gutted about is I've been workin my *kitten* off in the gym! So I expected maybe a teeny…
  • Well it might just be a fluke.... the next couple weeks will tell if this really works. But I'm so pleased I haven't put any on. I can't calorie count. I know my diet is gunna be mostly carbs also being veggie myself (very occasional fish). MFP is an amazing tool to see nutritional values etc. it's defo not something I can…
  • I lost 1.5 lb this week and I ate like a pig. All healthy tho. Could it just be my metabolism catching up? And the fact I've started exercise. If I can eat like that and enjoy the exercise I'm doing, then this lifestyle change really isn't go into be hard! Sooooo pleased ????
  • I know you're right. You are all right. Energy intake to energy expenditure! It's simple really. So why is it so hard ????. I joined a group this week. The reason I'm sticking with slimming world (even after putting more weight on, I'm now 11st 4.5lb) is because it's healthy and controlling crap processed foods. I'm going…