

  • I've always admired runners, and about a two and a half ago I started running but I was never really serious about it or even totally enjoyed it but now I'm trying to have it become part of my everyday life. I try to concentrate less on how fast I'm going and more on enjoying my runs and it's totally different and much…
    in Runners! Comment by bizzely October 2014
  • Hi I'm at 5'2 1/2 and 141 lbs, desperatly trying to reach at least 135!!!! I also need some more friends with similar goals. Feel free to add me. I have it set to lose .5 a week, because I couldn't maintain the 1200 calories, but I've been trying and I feel like it's taking forever. It's so easy to get discoraged...
  • I'm interested! I'm aiming for 15 miles this week but I'll def would love someone to set goals with/friendly compete with. I'm a pretty slow runner though, it takes me about 10-11 minutes a mile. Add me if you want.
  • Whenever I see anyone running fat/skinny/fast/slow I always say in my head good for them ! You can't live your life thinking everyone is thinking negatively of you. And when others pass me or in the rare instance I pass them, I'm so into my run I don't care. Turn up your music and get in your own zone and in time none of…