mellymink Member


  • I hope you take some of these posts to heart, because I just looked at your pictures and you are BEAUTIFUL!! Your smile, your eyes, your hair. You're frikkin' adorable, girl. I used to feel ugly too, especially growing up. I don't think I magically became pretty, I think I finally looked in the mirror and accepted what I…
    in ugly Comment by mellymink December 2011
  • Hooray! :) I'm with ya. Smiling is contagious and we should all do some more of it! Have an AWESOMAZING day, thanks for the positive post! :)
  • YOU are Welcome!! :D Hope we are helping you! I agree about the winter months... that's why I finally signed up. I know myself and I am NOT about to go outside in the freezing cold to get a workout lol! I'll be inside with my hot tea :)
  • I belong to Planet Fitness and I love it. Not sure about your location, but around here we have a few and with the Black Card you can go to any location you'd like. You can also bring a guest with you every time you go. Another poster mentioned the "no grunting" policy. Honestly, I have never seen the "lunk alarm" go off,…
  • I wear the skechers shape-ups non-slip work style they sell. I've been wearing them for a year and a half for 8-12 hours a day and haven't noticed any toning in my legs. However, I continue to wear them because they have extra cushion which is great for my joints since I stand on hard cement floors all day, they give my…
  • OMG! I used to LOVE watching it when it was on! Bluths for Life! :D
  • What she said :) I also try to make sure I do "mini" exercises throughout the day, like carrying a basket instead of pushing a cart at the store, using the stairs, parking further away from stores etc. I think it really helps!
  • This is a great idea! Thanks for sharing!!
  • Yes, you should be eating back most or all of your calories you earned through exercise. That's why this site is so awesome, it factors it all in for you so you don't have to do tons of math. It just shows you how many calories to eat and adjusts it accordingly.
  • hey!!
  • Maybe a trip to a doctor/dietician is in order?
  • I don't log every single thing. Sometimes I'll enter a calories only entry and guesstimate about how many calories. I've been successful this way. I figure if I'm close enough that's ok :)
  • aww, I know what you mean! I have had a crazy week with unexpected celebrations and dinner outings and I've trying to make health-conscious decisions but sometimes at a restaurant you really can't be sure what you're eating. I just try to guesstimate, eat smaller portions, and remember that I'm here to have fun and live a…
  • Wow is right! You look like a totally different - and much happier - person! Keep up the great work!! Truly an inspiration!
  • what a cool idea!! I may do that for a friend that is expecting :)
  • I dab too!! :D
  • I work a very physical full-time job and some days I wouldn't be able to work out if I didn't get a nap in! Other times I can plow through without issue. I think it just depends on the day, your tiredness, what you ate, and how you feel. I don't see anything wrong with taking a nap as long as you make sure to pull yourself…
  • If you have a blender, you can blend your fruits/vegetables with a little water added (to help it blend smoothly), and then use a strainer (cheese cloth, nylon mesh bag etc) to strain out the pulp. I've done this during juice fasts before and it's very effective. I also would suggest checking Walmart for a Juiceman Jr.…
  • My suggestion would be to set up your workout clothes/shoes before bed and to set up your breakfast or snack, too. That way all you have to do is roll out of bed, get dressed, and go. I always find it's easier to get out of the cozy bed when I know I don't have to do a bunch of "little" things :)
  • I felt the same way at my 1,200 calorie goal. I actually manually upped my intake by a few hundred to give me some extra room. I've been trying to eat protein-rich foods, like hard-boiled eggs, cottage cheese, chobani greek yogurt, trail mix (but I actually pre-measure a serving size in plastic baggies so I don't sit there…
  • Aww, try not to feel too down! My sister was having the same issue you're describing. She was working out like crazy and wasn't losing, until she realized she wasn't eating enough. Once she adjusted her intake and started allowing herself to eat how she normally would, but in moderation, she started to lose again. And she…
  • Welcome to MFP, I know you'll love it. And I just wanted to say good for you, making the decision to be a stay-at-home mom! Your girls are probably SO loving it. My mom used to babysit during the day in our home, so we got to spend time with her growing up and the memories are just priceless for her and also for my sister…
  • look up free online workout videos and do them! take a walk walk up & down the stairs for 10 mins read a good book journal your feelings hang out with your pets
  • Awesome!! That's inspirational to me because I've definitely plateaued! Keep it up! :D
  • LEAVE the kitchen! :) fold your laundry clean the bathroom make a list! crochet something
  • I think that when people are thin to begin with, people don't think much of it. But when you lose weight and become thin, then I think people start having issues. We're all so conditioned to think that weight loss is impossible and that the only way to lose is to do unhealthy things like crash diet pills, starvation etc.…
  • I usually just toss my whole (unchopped) frozen bananas into my processor. Works too, but with less steps :D
  • You may be retaining water. Some days my weight is up by almost 10 lbs, then I drink a ton of water (64oz at the very least). And just like magic, I pee out 10 lbs lol. Sounds crazy but true! I'm generally very hydrated but sometimes I just don't get enough water as I'd like. Give that a shot. And I agree with above…