pdxmeghan Member


  • I had someone tell me on Saturday that I looked good, which was nice to hear because I had gained a few pounds since Labor Day and the week before (and my non tracking). I went ahead and just called last week bad anyway because I was hit with quite a few unexpecteds. I've realized that I really do well on a schedule (much…
  • Well, I took the last 10 days or so off from tracking. It was a nice break, but I went a little crazy. I was on break from work, it was my hudband's birthday, we went on an extended weekend trip to a shared house and lots of snacks. Although I ran a lot I also ATE a lot, so I gained some weight. Not sure how much bc I…
  • my biggest challenge is that I'm a nanny and the family I work for has so much JUNK around their house. I tend not to buy junk because I know if it's in the house I'll eat it. I even have better self control with stuff in my house than in their house and I don't get it! The only thing I can think of is that my job can be…
  • Wow there's a lot of people on here. And you're all real people, not just people who post on GOMI for my entertainment. I weighed last Friday and I weighed again today - no difference, but I'm not worried about it. Especially since, like I said on GOMI, my husband made homemade ice cream on Sunday and uh.. we've been…