

  • Great Job! I understand you feel going into a different size jeans. They dont lie!!! I went from a starting size of 20W to a missys 16. Feels pretty good. I even bought the next size to have in the closet to help me stay motivated. Keep up the good work.
  • Welcome aboard. You will love it!!!!:laugh:
  • I love it. My starting weight was over 235-240 (didnt really weigh in the beginning). I am at 205 now ! Praisin the Lord for the strength to continue on. Weights kinda stopped so I need to push forward to reach my goal of 158lb by May 1 2012 (46th bday). Been a rollercoaster dieter all my life but this is the first time…
  • Well I can tell you whats working for my husband and I. We reduced our carbs and sugars by starting the no white diet. This will reduce your stomach. :smooched:
  • Great Job. I know how you feel about not sticking to it and getting stressed out. I am starting my 4th month on the no white. I had some ups and downs. As of today I've lost 25 lbs and I have 53lbs to go. It seems uphill sometimes but we will make it!
  • I try to got up and involve myself in other things. Of course this doesnt always work...some times i find a healthy alt. to the thing I am craving. One thing I am trying to teach myself is this. I eat to live nothing more. Food is to keep me going I do not live to eat even though I enjoy it! ALOT. I hav eot balance my life…
  • Count me in too. I was already doing this challange but this is great support. I started April 25 at 233 lbs and as of this morning I weigh 217. Pretty pumped about that. Tough but so worth it. My goal is 75 lbs the healthly way. I am not doing anything drastic just making some healthy life changes that Hopefully I can…
  • Hi, My husband and I started on this journey about 4 weeks ago. Starting together make it so much easier. Its nice being able to support each other. Best part is no junk in the house to tempt either of us. I started at 233.8, him at 250, today's weigh in for me was a total of 13 lbs and 10 lbs for him. Praising God. This…