drone8 Member


  • Eat something decent/filling before you go out and drink all you want. You will make up the calories by not eating breakfast and lunch the next day since you'll be sleeping anyway =)
    in Partying? Comment by drone8 August 2014
  • sick, fat and nearly dead. Mainly focused on juicing IIRC, but a good wake up call either way. Something that spurred me into action was not so much motivational in terms of someone scaring or yelling 'you can do it!' but rather watching/reading about people doing what I want(ed) to do but couldn't due to lack of stamina,…
    in motivation Comment by drone8 August 2014
  • Great reply! You can't out exercise a poor diet. My 'dieting' meant no longer buying soda, snickers, fast food, other junk and practice portion control. That's about as cheap as it gets.