liuthail Member


  • I'd love new tall friends to compare with. 6'0" currently 237, started at 270 and my goal weight is 180. Please add. :)
  • Nothing! No plan, I just count calories and try to shove protein in there as much as possible so I don't end up hungry. I can't cook at all so I've lost my first 25 pounds subsisting on frozen low-calorie meals and protein shakes. This works for me. I doubt it's sustainable for anyone else but I don't yet have the…
  • Girl, if you're 6'0" and can pull off 160 or lower without looking like a drug addict then you're lucky as hell. At 16 I was 155 and I will never be that weight again. My body filled out and that was the end of that.
  • I'm 6'0" and larger framed and no one has ever been able to guess my weight. I routinely look about 40 lbs less than I actually weigh and so when I started piling on the pounds I really didn't notice it. I got up to 230 before finding that I was truly unhappy with how i looked and at 270 I was just a mess. Now I'm about 30…