jnpgrad1 Member


  • keep up the good work! your doing an great job!
  • You in good/bad company nerple, I'm back on the steroid boat too... starting at 40 mg of pred... :-( hope you start feeling better soon. I sure am tired of this.
  • Hello all! My name is Princess (currently living in Virginia) and I believe I have been living with Crohn's most of my life but only got diagnosed 6 years ago. I've been told it's mild to moderate but when I am in a flare it sure does feel pretty severe. I have been in remission for aporx. 1 1/2 years eating everything in…
  • There is something called Entocort (generic name budesonide} that is also a steroid but supposed to be less harsh than prednisone. Maybe thats an option for you.