mrsmcmo Member


  • Yes I did it. I lost weight (obviously, since there was next to nothing in my digestive system), and put it all right back on as soon as I started eating again. Overall didn't enjoy the experience. I don't recommend it. ETA: My sister and husband also did it. My sister had a TERRIBLE allergic reaction to something (not…
  • Don't worry about it. Also as someone else mentioned, 96lbs at 5'2 is underweight by about 10lbs. I assume you are aware of this. I hope that you are seeing someone and that you are working to get your weight to a healthy place. :)
  • That's what I've heard, however it hasn't been too bad getting down to my almost-new-goal weight. First gw was 115lbs and I hit that relatively easily. Second gw was 112, and that too, wasn't bad but here was the problem - I got tired of eating so low cal (I was only eating 1200 for about a month), I was getting really…
  • I also have to put away, and take back out our scale every single time. Which is actually a good thing. If it was sitting right there, I would be far too tempted to weigh myself every day and for me, that is not a good thing.
  • Thank you! I will try sticking to 1450 for now and hopefully I will see at least a bit of a drop soon! According to MFP which has been giving me dead on # of cals/day thus far, at 112lbs I should be eating approx. 1650 (I think, I would have to double check) to maintain.
  • Yes. The scale at my pool tells me I'm about 5lbs lighter than the one at home. And my scale weight varies depending on where it is. I put it in the exact same spot every time, and even put my feet in the exact same place on the scale. It might not be 100% accurate, but I tend to believe it's pretty close. There was one…
  • Thank you! You have been a great supporter - you probably don't remember but you have left me such uplifting and supportive messages on a few of my posts. Thank you, really. :)
  • I'm 5'2 and at my last weigh in (on Friday), I was 114. My goal weight was 112 and I got there, but as soon as I raised my calories to 1450 (slowly from 1200, over a period of a few weeks), I seemed to balance out around 113-114, which feels too high for me. So I am thinking I am maintaining on about 1450, but I will wait…
  • I can't recall for sure, but I remember by the first time I weighed myself after starting MFP (which was 10 days later), I had lost something. Maybe a lb? I know it can be discouraging to see a jump in the scale or to see it not move at all. Try to stick with it though! Are you positive you're measuring/weighing your…
  • *I* would say lightly active in your situation. I believe sedentary would be more suited towards people who work at a desk job for hours and hours with minimal physical exertion.
  • I would set your calories to maintenance and see what MFP gives you. That is a fairly good indication of approximately how many calories you could be eating. But you're right that if you suddenly start eating 600 extra calories a day, you may see a jump on the scale. Go slowly. Try adding an extra 100 calories per day for…
    in Confused Comment by mrsmcmo October 2014
  • Welcome! I followed the calories that MFP gave me, based on height, gender, weight and activity level and have been very successful. I would start there and see how it goes. :) I didn't worry about macros (and still don't really, though I try to be at about the right percentages) as much as I just stayed within my daily…
  • Okay firstly: RECowgill, now I am craving chicken fillets and ranch. All of those plates looked DELICIOUS. Secondly: yes, I really do enjoy my healthier lifestyle. I was never really overweight (heaviest in recent years while not being pregnant or within a few months PP was about 130lbs at 5'2), but I FEEL so much better.…
  • That's motivational, thanks ladies! I was curious to know what other short girls maintenance is.
  • Ugh, I am right there with you! But for me it's not during Aunt Flo's visit, it's right around ovulation. And it's not even that I can eat a chocolate bar and feel better, I am insatiable! I could probably eat upwards of 2000 calories if I gave in! Fortunately though, the feelings of insatiable hunger usually start around…
  • This makes a ton of sense. I had read the "why you gain weight if you eat more than your cut" thread previously, so I was a little bit mentally prepared for a bit of weight gain, but for some reason, I had it in my mind that I wouldn't gain much if anything until I was closer to what I *thought* would be my maintenance cal…
  • Thanks for all the replies! Well, when I first started out (weighing 130lbs) my first goal was to lose 1lb/week, and MFP gave me 1510cals/day for that. After I lost 10lbs, I went down to 1200/day which I maintained for about a month. After that, I slowly started upping calories by approx. 50 extra cals/day, for about a…
  • Thanks, I will give it another week at 1450, but my point was that 1450 seems so low to be maintenance! I am on my feet quite a bit (I'm a stay at home mom, but during the day I do quite a bit of house work, running around, etc.) so I think sedentary calories wouldn't be enough. And I have been really slowly "upping" my…
  • Phew, thanks guys. I feel much better. :)
  • Don't become discouraged! I am also 5'2, and started my journey with MFP on July 28, weighing 130lbs. I felt bad about myself at that weight, so I just decided to stick to my guns and count every single calorie. Since then I have lost 16lbs. I have simply stuck to my daily calories most days (with the exception of a…
  • I just wanted to add that there are other alternatives to the medication you are taking. SSRI's are notorious for causing weight gain, see what else your doctor recommends.
  • Yes, MFP has been such a blessing for me! I have lost 16lbs since August, and I have surpassed my goal weight (which was 115, and is now 112lbs. I'm 5'2). I started out with a daily cal intake of 1510, then after I lost 10lbs MFP lowered my goal to 1200/day. It was tough, I'm not going to lie, but I did it for about a…
  • I totally feel your frustrations! It could absolutely be the medication. I have experienced it for myself, and read about a TON of other people (I can't remember if it was on these boards, but I read a thread not too long ago about someone who was gaining weight on Zoloft, maybe try a google search) who also had that…
  • That is way too low for you. I am a 5'2, 115lb female and I really struggled eating 1200/day, I can't imagine someone of your size managing.
  • Are you drinking enough water? You could be losing fat but hanging onto water weight. Make sure you are drinking lots!
  • It's probably a combination of a) hormones and b) calories. Please don't beat yourself up for not being back to your old self just yet, your baby is only 7 months old! Count your calories and work out if it makes you feel good, but don't be too hard on yourself. Be patient, it will come off. Also, not having a period while…
  • Have you been drinking enough water? If I see only a very small amount of weight loss, or a gain on the scale and I *know* I have been eating at a deficit, I usually convince myself that it is either a) my scale is inaccurate (this has happened to me when my battery was getting low) or b) I was retaining water from not…
  • I crave sweets after I have them, generally. When I have refined sugar, I want more and more. If I can manage to starve off the craving for a day or so, it often will go away.
  • I am going to search for the thread on water weight, thanks! I weighed myself today and I am down another lb to 115, which was my original GW. I have manually adjusted my calories on MFP to about 1350/day, and I try to get to that but for the past few days I have been below. I am so worried about gaining! I am only 5'2 so…
  • I would say yes, you are most likely losing muscle by limiting yourself to a 1200 cal/day diet. I am 5'2 (f), and started out at 130, so slightly smaller than you but not nearly as active, and I think my first cal goal was at 1510/day, which I lost very well on. I think you should up your calories (perhaps select 1lb a…