

  • It's not good to eat at night. Your digestive system shuts down when you go to sleep ,therefore the nutrients in food are not absorbed fully, so most of the food is converted and stored as fat, Also eating late hinders the toxin elimination process(that's too complex to explain) Give a gap of one and half hour at least.…
  • I think that's true, because the food need to be digested before other food come. I have tendency to eat fast too, but at the same time I drink a lot of water. I think the water help to digest food faster. Probably, I will put tips about it later on to my blog about this topic at
  • wow strawberyy is so healthy food. I like it....
  • Meatballs are very yummy, I like to make it with soup. It's so delicious. But anything too much is not good. Check my diet recipe at
  • I am not sure what south beach is, I think you can go something else slowly but do exercise and have enough vegetable as balance. You can see some of my diet tips at my blog
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