

  • I agree with the comments so far. I'm eating a lot of fiber and protein, but I also just bought a big 32 oz reusable water bottle that I fill with watered down green tea and I have two bottles a day. It keeps me from eating too much during the day, and keeps me feeling full until 6-7 AM the next morning. Best body hack…
  • I'm definitely going to scope out Old Navy some more, they seem to be less itty-bitty oriented than others. Also, I WANT to learn to sew. I sewed my own pajama pants when I was like 9, but that was with a lot of help. Eventually, I do want that to be a staple in my housewife skill set.
  • Ha, not many people like my sarcasm. I like to think of it as one of my shining contributions of this world. :) No plans to stop hanging tough, just trying to make it slightly easier on my heart. Being a non-existant size is pure absurdity.
  • Your "before" picture looks like me now. About the same weight too. Thanks for inspiring me and showing it's possible!
  • I'm extremely fascinated by the part-time sales rep world, and I'm thinking about trying to get into it. Once I have the money to invest, I think I really will try, but I've never heard of Arbonne. I'm pretty wary of trying to sell products these days, since many people don't have the money for expensive beauty/health or…
  • Can't wait til that's me standing in the mirror, thinking "Huh. It worked!"
  • Ditto what glenna said. Remember that 1 pound of fat is 3,500 calories (if I remember correctly), so if you're eating back all the calories you burn, of course you're not moving forward :) The first tool I used on MFP is the Basal Metabolic Rate tool. Doing absolutely nothing, I should burn about 1600 calories. If I were…