i have so much to do today and zero motivation....
Hi, I am looking for more interactive people aswell who are full of encouragement and want to get to know each other aswell :)
I have read a lot of information online and in book about the subject and it makes a lot of sense to me. There are healthy protein and fats in fruit and vegetables and we dont need as much as they say, every cell in our body runs on glucose. When I first started watching Freelee the banana girl I didnt like her either, and…
thanks so much for all you information and links :smile: I have read the Douglas Graham 80/10/10 diet, but not the china study or starch solution... I want to get those books though. I also heard the book "in defense of food" and "raw food detox diet " are really good aswell
I think that sounds great, but I would just use almond milk I buy at the store... but thats just my preference :smile:
thank you guys for your support and feedback :) In ref to eating more calories: they recommend you eat around 3000 a day on a raw vegan diet but I am scared I will just gain heaps of weight due to so many calories, because I normally eat around 1300-1500 a day
Hi Cassie, I'm 31 also and I had to do fertility treatment aswel :) xx