Tanayha Member


  • yayyyy!! I've lost 6lbs (probably a bad scale) in 12 days doing the 30 day shred and low cal diet, I haven't been strict on the exercise too much and have missed 2 days of it now, But motivated to carry on. I can not notice any difference in the way i look or feel so need to get to the point where i can also feel the…
  • oh darn i was hoping there was a quick fix miracle cure lol, well i'm determined to meet the goal need to up my cardio and do the 30 day shred dvd which I have put off for the last 5 days. I would like to be 125lbs i'm 168 now and cant blame my child any more as she's 7 now! I dont know if i'm being a bit ambitious with…
  • Hi, I'm also trying to lose that amount of weight by the end of September but don't know how i'm going to achieve it. are you following a diet plan? and what exercises are you doing? Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Nutrition Facts For Foods