TitikiOoh Member


  • If you focus on calories and let those calories come from veggies and fruit, fresh or frozen, whole grains and better quality meat then the nutrition will sort itself out. If you want tips for nutrition check here: http://www.health.com/health/gallery/0,,20660118,00.html For processed foods, this site have some great…
  • Not from personal experience, but a coworker with PCOS and she is on a GI diet right now that seems to be working for her. http://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/discussion/549945 http://www.pcosdietsupport.com/diet-tips/start-your-pcos-diet-plan/ https://www.bda.uk.com/foodfacts/pcos
  • My question, which might have been answered already, is how did you get to the number of calories you eat?
  • For me, it's talking to people who are on the Atkins diet/low-carb. And the cult like mentality a lot of people on the diet seems to adapt. A coworker of mine and a friend use low-carb, and they talk about their diet constantly. From talking about what they can and can't eat and how it's helping them lose weight or…
  • According to Kai from season 3, a week was everything from 5 days to 2 weeks. And they dehydrated before weigh-ins to push the loss higher. http://www.bodylovewellness.com/2010/06/09/kai-hibbard-biggest-loser-finalist-part-1-of-3/
  • Oh Yes, the Fear and Love. I know they need to find their catchphrase, but that one is just so wishy washy hippy BS. And there's no mean trainers!
  • For me, and this is me and I doubt it's applicable to your situation. I started eating meals. Home made lunch and dinner after years of taking the easy option (some bought sandwich or frozen pizza covered in more cheese). And yes, I did go cold turkey on the cheese. It was out of my life for a long time before I slowly…
  • 5'1",or 1.56 m. I'm 55 kg and my goal is to gain some muscles. Which means eating more and healthier then I've been doing so far.