pedramf77 Member


  • First 6 months is great with Stronglifts. When you start the plateau yoyo it's not worth it. Too much intensity and volume at that point. Can't recover fast enough. When you get there jump to texas method or madcow. I jumped straight to 5/3/1. Worth it. Sometimes less is more. Plateaus are gone.
  • Generally explosive strength and intensity get you mass faster. But I think form should be mastered first and never compromised. Intensity does not mean so much weight that you can't do it correctly. I think any young kid wanting to become buff should read the following article on what real fitness is. Very motivating and…
  • Start by calculating his BMR online on any of the online calculators. Multiply it1.3 and have him eat that much every day. Not much more and no less. Weigh him once a week. You want him to gain about half a pound a week. If he is losing weight add calories slowly until he is gaining at that rate. If he is gaining faster…
  • If your energy output is the same then it doesn't matter if you go lower calories with the same carb to fat to protein ratio or lower calorie with lower carb ratio. No one here will say thay lowering calorie input to below your calorie output is not the ONLY way to lose weight. Reality is that high carb ratio with low…