

  • I love the Breville juicer I have, but if you can get by with blending, that can be a lot cheaper. This is what I have and it is excellent:
  • Headphones. Probably not useful, but at least I'll have a good soundtrack for the zombie apocalypse.
  • Loved Honeycomb back when I was a kid, but now, I can't get enough Corn Flakes. I must be getting old...
  • I have an odd fascination for the shape of the clavicle on a woman.
  • Here's what I've got: I really want to buy these shoes:
  • Congratulations! There should be no stigma in seeking help for mental health, so I'm proud of you for doing it. I've been in a support group for abused male spouses for the past eight months, and while some people don't understand it, it has helped me make progress that I needed to make. I hope your journey is just as…
  • LIght. Lots and lots and lots of light. Get an alarm clock that slowly fades light into your room instead of sound. Your body reacts to the change in light and will want to wake you up naturally. (Works for me; I wake up at 6am every morning by making sure my light levels are good through the night and morning.)
  • Get a chocolate flavored protein powder, toss it in some decaf coffee with some ice, and then blend. Voila — homemade frappucino. Delicious, protein dense.
  • My dad had his second heart attack before the age of 60 — and that scared me. I didn't want to end up like him, with heart conditions so young. I knew I had to make a change.
  • 3-5 liters, but if you count protein shakes and tea, it's closer to 6-7 liters.
  • I'm definitely in — I've been doing the Global Corporate Challenge (a step count competition around the world) for three months now, and my daily average has gone up and up. This is great.
  • Instead of thinking of it as food logging, think of it as meal planning. I use the log to plan out my meals for the day, and then adjust as necessary. That way, I eat better because I'm planning in advance, and I'm still getting all the benefits of logging my meals.
  • When I feel like splurging and really eating well, I make a red pepper jelly, slice up the chicken, and top it with that. Mix of spice and sweet on the chicken is divine — and fairly healthy.
  • Definitely pre-log as much as I can, and then adjust as necessary. I find that planning out my meals in advance helps me eat healthier.
  • Friday mornings, 8am, right before my workout. That ensures that I have a good benchmark and I'm not subject to the vagaries of daily weigh-ins (with water retention and all) while making sure I have consistent motivation. I used to weigh every day, but found that to be less motivating than a weekly one.
  • I did it! Broke them into three sets of 50, but did them and feel great. Thanks for the challenge!
  • Wow! Congratulations! You look great, and I'm so glad to hear you feel great too. Thanks for inspiring all of us.
  • Definitely in! Might be bad for my knees, so I'll break them up into sets.
  • I was obese and huge when my ex and I started dating, and while she was always concerned about my health (family history of heart disease), she never really cared about my size or look. Funny enough, after I started losing weight (and especially after losing 100lbs and looking better than I have ever in my life), she…
  • Everyone has their own approach, but I've found that telling other people helps keep me accountable and motivated. I thought people would be wary or look at me with derision, but most people have been very supportive and encouraging, and actually take steps to help me through the process and check in on me — even the…
  • I've been a gym member for ages, and while I went regularly, I didn't enjoy it and don't think I got much value out of it. It wasn't until I got a personal trainer at the gym that I was more motivated and saw significant results. They may be pricey, but a good PT will understand your goals and your lifestyle and your body…
    in Gym Shym Comment by sameervasta May 2012
  • For the first 70lbs, I weighed myself every morning. For the next 20lbs, weekly. Now, because I'm building muscle and actually gaining weight (but losing body fat percentage!) only once a month.
  • Because it was part of a photo that my best friend (read: love of my life) had of the two of us together. She no longer loves me the way she used to; I keep it as a reminder that she once did, that someone once did.
  • The Kitchn has a few great roundups of quick and easy breakfast recipes, many of which are fairly low-calorie too: My best friend also has a few breakfast recipes on her blog. They are among the…
  • Roasted, definitely: