

  • You sound just like me! I joined One month ago and lost 4lb in week 1, 2lb in week 2, 2lb in week 3. Then comes week 4 and I went over my calories 2 of the days. I exercised more and cut back on the calories for the rest of the week expecting I would still see a loss. Stood on the scales and I had stayed the same. I was so…
  • I would definitely see your doctor especially if your hair/skin is becoming affected as these are symptoms of thyroid problems. Easily treatable but if ur thyroid is out of whack u will find it difficult to lose weight without the docs help. Have a blood test and explain ur situation to the doc. Keep up the good work :)
  • Yeh definitely choose a workout you enjoy or you wont stick to it. I have been doing a lot of research of exercises you can do at home cos I cant afford a gym membership. There is a really good workout on this site under the fitness blog called cardioblast boot camp. It is amazing and only takes about 20mins to do. Have a…
  • What a good idea to take pics every few months. I usually shy away from the camera but I might try this myself! You can see a massive difference especially in the side view your waist has definitely lost inches. Make sure you keep track of your measurements too cos some weeks you may not lose pounds but be losing inches…