

  • Your metabolism might have just gotten used to your food. Might I recommend some strange sounding things I have been doing that might be helpful? 20 oz of ice cold water within 30 minutes of waking up and ice packs on your upper-back/shoulders for 20 minutes and hour before bed. It boosts metabolism. I lost 7 pounds in 3…
  • I'm doing the 4-Hour Body and it almost requires a cheat day once a week. The rationale is if you keep eating the same things over and over again then your body over time will adjust your metabolism because it has gotten used to living on less calories. It is one of the reasons people on diets for long periods of time end…
  • The pregnant ladies in my office all agreed that coco butter worked for them to make the stretch marks better. They also said lot of water because the more hydrated you are the better your skin can adapt. The key to doing the coco butter is applying it right have a hot shower just like with any lotion.
    in Afraid Comment by fangirly May 2011