bramble345 Member


  • Oooh thats jsut reminded me of the time i managed to fall over and land on my *kitten* in zumba when i thought id cracked this fancy move with one leg in the air!
  • Bought new leggings and toddled along to zumba. Found out about 30 seconds into the class that the elastic in the waist was completely inadequate and all they wanted to do was fall down. I managed to use a hair bobble to twist the waist band tighter.....that meant I had about 3 minutes between needing to hoick them back up…
  • Add salt and use as a dip. Or sometimes I mix with a spicy tomato salsa, then its a dip, salad dressing, addition to sandwiches..... I tend to use it instead of mayo now (and i was a serious mayo fan) as mayo seems too ?gloopy ?oily Has to be the full fat version though, low fat have a horrible texture (pastelike) and…
  • Brand new hair cut and highlights. Wearing it freshly styled to work. 6 foot from the door of the office a gull crapped on my head. Had to wash it under the tap in a tiny sink in the ladies and scrape it back into a wet bun with a pink hair band of my daighters that i found in the bottom of my handbag, it may have had a…
  • Can't argue with you on that one
  • Oh dear, I use this one a lot. its pretty common usage round here (north of England). Please someone tell me where 'thick' is seen as a compliment? I'm genuinely curious. Other than describing someone as 'thick round the middle' (and that was really not intended in a positive light), the more usual descriptive use I've…
  • Wow you must have seriously deep wells of understanding to work from such a open and accepting place and such a giving nature that you can still find time to search out and comment on threads where people are failing to live up to your high standards. Yet without sounding at all judgemental Shame we can't all be that…
  • Can certainly see where you're coming from! If we had the option legally I would probably carry a gun but it would be so i could defend against others doing the same. To put the difference into context.... -I've never fired a gun, I have no deep objection the opportunity has just never arisen -My brother worked in a…
  • Tell me about it! The Americans are talking about carrying firearms in public and yet I'd be deep in it if I kept a bat or bladed weapon with the intent to use for self defence in my own house. I remember when some friends in the US military were based here and how repeatedly they were told NOT to take guns home if they…
  • OMG where do you live?!?!?!?!?!?!?! I'm in the UK, no guns, stunguns or knives (legally) for us. Sometimes not sure if that's a good thing or not......
  • Sleep whenever you can. Until babies learn to sleep properly you're in survival mode, just grab it at every opportunity Plan the weeks meals ahead, including all pack ups, then shop to the list. Its a sod to find time to sit down and do but so good not to have to think about it for the rest of the week. I have to plan…
  • Almond milk is watery and tasteless, hazelnut milk creamy and has a mouthfeel near to that of whole milk. Theres a slightly sweet taste to it which hits my sweet, creamy cravings spot nicely.
  • As has been said above. Except I just work out the volume of the full bit of the pan (easier if its round!) then divide by volume of my ladle to work out number of servings. Saves scraping hot food into another container to weigh.
  • My 7 year old daughter was coming home from school asking about 'good' and 'bad' foods. One of her friends mums is dieting very vocally! We turned it into a discussion of foods as fuel to give her energy for running and gymnastics, and how protein helps her build new bits of her so she can jump higher, get taller etc. Now…
  • This +++++ No better way to heat up day old chilli! I've even been known to microwave chilli straight out of the oven for that freshly microwaved, sizzling hot yumminess ;)
  • I cook batches of chicken breast baked in foil with no oil and then have about 100g with a tablespoon of plain greek yoghurt and a big dollop of spicy tomato salsa
  • Steamed or roasted (with no oil) chicken with a big dollop of plain greek yoghurt and spicy salsa. Keep in separate pots and put together when your ready to eat.
  • I think i used to be one of the evil saboteurs! My kids love to bake with me, but i'll eat way too much if its sat around at home so once they've eaten all they want i offload the excess at work/on family/send it home with the kids friends if they're round >:) I sympathise with you OP. I had to leave the office job to…
  • There's nothing like trying to hold a plank while a three year old crawls underneath the 'bridge'. Gets trickier when she tries to climb across it... Shes also amenable to being used as a weight for squats..............
  • cut very ripe bananas into chunks, stick a lolly stick on each chunk and freeze. Depends how big you cut em but mine work out about 30 cals each and takes me ages to gnaw my way through one.
  • This is one of those where its going for whats right for you. I worked on losing weight while trying to get pregnant second time round. I figured i won either way then :) Lost about half of first baby weight, had second baby and three years down the line am lighter and fitter than i was pre kids. Still not where i want to…
  • Sausage!!!!!!!!!!!!!! In bubble and squeek???????????????
  • I started off doing exercise to lose weight, it didn't work because I still ate whatever I fancied BUT I got hooked on exercise and have loads more energy and my shape changed for the better. Now I do the exercise for fun and count calories to get rid of the fat, and slowly its working.
  • I generally log as 200-250 for a 45 minute class.....depending how hard i felt i worked:smile:
  • Maybe make your own pizza? I sometimes buy premade bases, cut in half and just load up that with pretty virtuous stuff. That way theres no other half left all cooked and yummy to tempt you when you're really full and you can weigh and log all the ingredients, reduce cheese etc to keep under your limits. I agree with the…
  • These are fab. I tried loads of different brands that were meant to be for running, Shock Absorber etc. This is the only one i feel comfortable running and jumping in.
  • I make a big curry or stew, loads of lean meat and veg, especially onions, and lots of spices for flavour. Measure all that goes in so i know how many calories per portion. Keeps for half a week in the fridge and i freeze the rest in single portion ziplock bags. Microwave up on top of mashed cauli/turnip/cabbage, again…
  • I used to do this a lot a lot when i was bored out of my tree in a desk job. Kept a stash of fruit teas, mint especially is nice even when it goes cold which helped What didn't help when my colleagues bringing in home baking to share, and they were really good cooks, like everyday. I've taken the plunge and left,…