shaumom Member


  • Part of this is going to depend on how long you are planning on nursing, as well. If you are planning on nursing for at least a year or more, it helps to remember that your baby is going to be eating a LOT more calories as they get older. And that means it will be harder for your body to make that amount of calories on a…
  • One of my simpler comfort foods is this: white or brown rice (already cooked) toasted pecans honey salt Put a Tb or 2 of honey and a pinch of salt into a hot pan with a little water. Heat until the honey water is bubbling and let it simmer for maybe 2 minutes or so, until it's a little bit of a glaze. Add the pecans and…
  • So, the factual answer to your question is, unfortunately: we don't actually know for sure. At least, that's the answer for women who produce estrogen, etc... Honestly, IMO, go for the lowest 'safe' level for protein for women and see how you feel. If you don't feel good, eat more, you know? Because we do not know what the…
  • The concept that for all people, with all conditions, CICO is the end-all, be-all of how the human body loses and gains weight seems to fly in the face of one important fact: the human body is not that simplistic. The fact that someone gets a results others don't expect does not warrant an automatic 'you must be doing it…
  • I've been more making sure to eat all of the foods I DO buy, you know? Like, cantaloupe and honeydew melon have edible seeds. So I've been blending the fruit AND the seeds up in a blender until the seeds are in tiny pieces, add a little lemon juice, and then freeze it in cubes and thaw a tiny bit and blend up again for a…
  • Not that we know of, yet. In part, because the medical community utterly dropped the ball on food intolerance research. Allergists used to look at ANY foods/substances that made people react abnormally. Then when IgE was discovered, they stopped doing that and only took patients with 'true' allergies, ie IgE related. But…
  • re: tp stockpiling. There's some interesting research out there about how, at this point, the main reason tp is still short seems to simply be because everyone is using more of it at home. If a family has people at work and people at school, then for all those hours, the business and the school's tp was used, not the…
  • Hugs, hon. Just extending empathy your way. A few years ago, I got really sick and started reacting to a lot of foods (turned out to be a rare disease). And I mean a LOT of foods - I had 6 I could eat, at one point. And it ended up with food scarcity even though there was food all around; I just couldn't have it. But I…
  • It has been bizarrely depressing and hopeful, this last week, for me. My parents are big watchers of Fox news. My dad, who is over 70, has asthma, and JUST got over pneumonia in January, is going out to the local coffee shop every day. My mother is in a higher risk group. I have a great aunt who I love to bits who is in a…
  • I think there's a lot of variables that are going to impact how this goes, weight-wise. But I guess I'm looking at this only slightly from a 'people are forced to stay inside' perspective and more from a 'this is a pandemic' perspective. 1. Depression is going to go up, because people are going to be trapped in small…
  • Things are escalating a bit now. My son is in a competitive sport and the league has cancelled all the competitions until the end of April. Honestly, I don't understand how people are NOT concerned. The numbers at the beginning of an epidemic are just that: the beginning. The only way to tell where things might go is…
  • I feel like Steve Rogers. "I understood that reference!" ^_^
  • A few schools have closed where I am, a few big events as well (I'm down in southern AZ as well). I haven't been out in a few days, as I and one of my adult kids are both in the 'higher risk' category and, since we don't work outside the home, decided to just get 2-4 weeks of stuff and hunker down. So I haven't seen what…
  • I go straight to the crockpot with soups, stews, and chili, when it's a real budget crunch. Then - I buy some cheap herb seeds and plant those for the upcoming months (inside or out, depending on weather). Go to some Asian or Indian markets where I can get some very cheap spices in bulk amounts, and also fresh ginger in…
  • You're welcome, and I hope it helps! My own disorder makes me react to the stupid medicine that's supposed to help me WITH reactions (seriously ridiculous), so I totally understand wanting to avoid medication. I and my doctors have had to find sort of 'run-arounds' and try things like the flavonoids and such to help me…
  • This saying is used mostly to help remind new doctors not to jump to conclusions that symptoms are a rare disorder, right off the bat. However, diagnosticians also say that 'zebra' type diagnoses shouldn't be dismissed immediately any more than common illnesses should. "In making the diagnosis of the cause of illness in an…
  • Glad to hear that the new diet is making you feel so much better! I have met so many people now who find a diet that really seems to click with their own biology (whether that's vegan, vegetarian, no grains, or even high meat). And all of them seem to really do well on their chosen diet. So congrats on finding one that…
  • Not a perfect replacement, but the pseudo grain quinoa is actually a full protein. It has about 8 g of protein per cup. You can just cook it like rice and make enough for a whole week all in one go, and maybe use it to replace 1 egg's worth in your diet somewhere, if you eat it with other foods, as a possibility.
  • Just gonna put in some different ideas that could maybe inspire other meals to go with them, or at least change up the meals you have? For a carb to go with the meal: mashed root veggie (mashed potatoes, rutabaga, parsnips, sweet potatoes, etc...), savory grain/grain porridges (rice, millet, polenta, sorghum, amaranth,…
  • I have not done this, no, but have acquaintances who have, so I can share what their experience was, at least? 1. Money - this greatly depends on what 'type' of gluten free you are. - If you are going gluten free because of a mild intolerance, or just 'checking it out,' then the vegan diet along with it is not too bad,…
  • I'm gonna say the opposite of Womona, LOL. Before you see a therapist, I'd check for physical health, if at all possible. The mind is part of the body, so if there's anything going wrong in the body, it can impact the brain, you know? And when you start having extreme fatigue, which can be indicative of a lot of physical…
  • For the headaches, there may be an explanation that is unrelated to food, potentially. Have to do a quick 'how the body works' bit, though. :-) So, most folks know what histamine is from learning about allergies (the reason why we take anti-histamine to help with allergic reactions, obviously). However, a lot of folks…
  • I'd also recommend figuring out your triggers. And in that vein, getting tested for celiac disease, for food allergies, and doing a food elimination diet (in that order, because celiac testing accuracy can be impacted by elimination diets, sometimes. And elimination diets can help find foods that aren't allergies but might…
  • So just saying here...for the typical cold/flu deal, the germs are getting spread by secretions. Which obviously aren't IN our hands, just get ON our hands and/or spread around in the air when we cough, touch our mouth or nose, etc... Entire societies (sadly not most western ones) actually encourage people to not spread…
  • Oh man, I am so sorry to hear your kiddo has salicylate issues! That was one I looked at trying to figure out my own stuff and holy cow that's a broad ranging one. I ended up with sulfite issues - although they knock out graps for me too. ^_^ So, just to add to this, for consideration, some extra info. on some of the food…
  • I absolutely would like to be one. I'm in the same spot: highest weight ever right now. I'll message you. :-)
  • I have used what is essentially AIP due to lots of problems that were attributed to food. Yes, it helped immensely. This strict and intense of an elimination diet was not only helpful, but literally necessary for a person like myself who had a freaking ton of food reactions. I honestly cannot say that I would have been…
  • I love bento’s so I have really enjoyed this site’s recipes: Most fit into the ‘healthy’ category, I think. :-) Also, this site has very healthy but more fancy recipes- harder to make, more exotic ingredients:
  • I have celiac disease, not hashimoto’s. but hashimoto’s runs in my baby daddy’s family, so I know a little about it, for my kids’s sake. So for what it is worth... - if you have one of these autoimmune disorders: celiac disease( must be gluten free), thyroid issues (like hashimoto’s), or diabetes? Then You are at a higher…
  • Another possibility- You might want to consider checking out ADHD as a possibility. Lot of people with it don’t get diagnosed until adulthood- seems it is easy to miss less severe cases of it (we have a family member being tested for it who is 47, for example). Overthinking, lots of negative thoughts, and challenges with…