

  • I can't take you seriously. Just love yourself the way you are, because you look pretty healthy to me. You don't need to gain -or lose- weight. Just.. be. Metabolism has nothing to do with it. You wanna gain weight? Eat. Eat eat eat. It ain't hard to understand.
  • I usually just reply with a quip about something they do being equally as "sad". If they get offended I redirect right back to them. Doesn't feel so good, does it? Shut the *kitten* up. I've never had anyone comment on the fact I count calories, though.
  • Sounds like you just need to stop being impatient and keep going and make sure you're tracking as religiously as you say. You don't stop losing weight at 1000 calories a day. Just give it time and keep doing what you're doing. If you don't have much weight to lose you will lose it slower. Stop being impatient.
  • Nah. Everything in moderation, as they say. I think having a couple pieces of pineapple is a hell of a lot better than a snickers bar! Eat your fruit, it's good for you :)
  • I'm assuming you ordered from Starfucks. I ordered a plain black coffee from there once when I was passing through an airport. The girl behind the register literally looked at me like I spoke another language. She said "a what?" It took a couple of times of me repeating myself that yes, I said BLACK COFFEE, no sugar…
  • If you have a gym membership I don't see why the cold is stopping you from doing anything.
  • With that kind of attitude, you're right, you won't lose weight. You need to just log all of your food honestly and ACCURATELY. Stop relying on motivation to keep you going. It comes and goes. You have to DISCIPLINE yourself, and force yourself to want to lose weight. To want to eat right, exercise. In the end, it's all up…
  • Just getting back on track with my 1200 calorie plan. I'm 5'1 so it's pretty normal for my height. Like jasonmh630 said, get ready to be blasted for wanting to eat 1200 -_- Feel free to add me though! :D
  • Roasted cauliflower with melted butter/garlic/lemon juice and a little bit of cheddar cheese. And a single sour gummy worm.. >_>
  • People are giving you their opinion because you asked. Cleaning, unless it's your JOB, shouldn't be logged. I dunno if you're trying to earn extra calories or something but it's pretty dumb to log cleaning. Get a heart rate monitor that tracks calories if you really wannna know because MFP over estimates every thing.
  • Make it work. If it's something you really enjoy, don't stop. Log the beers, adjust from there.
  • If you're gaining off of 1200 calories a day and really eating the way you say you are.. go to the doctor. But really it sounds like you aren't tracking correctly. Get a kitchen scale if you don't already have one. Weigh every thing. The sugar/cream in your coffee adds up. Salad dressing adds up, and 2 tbsp isn't as much…