Pizza is so not a waste and eating 3 slices is not binging. I personally feel it is the ultimate food....why?, you got your carbs, protein, dairy, and veggies if they are on it. It's like a portable food group on the go :) Enjoy the meal you had.
ha ha ha...can't stop laughing.........great comment from iceey!
Don't be discouraged, we have all been there, and yes it can at times feel like it's your last shot. You have wonderful activities that you used to enjoy doing, try getting back into them slowly and don't worry about how fast your pace should be, focus on you and your body! Enjoy it!! Have you tried incorporating yoga??…
Nothing exciting just some tea with milk and 1 slice of Bavarian bread with cream cheese and sliced roma tomatoes. Saving myself the late afternoon BBQ :) hmmm......ribs
Southern Georgian Bay, Ontario