Taking any vitamins or supplements?
I love kale chips. They replaced my old favorite potato chips. Remove stems, break into bite-size pieces on a flat baking pan. Spray them with some Cooking Spray, season lightly, then sprinkle with Braggs nutritional yeast (<-- High in B-Vitamins and Vegan!) Bake in a 350-degree oven for 8 -15 minutes. (Until crisp.) If…
If you're looking at condos or properties managed by an HOA, be sure to read the Homeowner's Association Agreement carefully before buying. You'll have to abide by their bylines, so if you don't agree with the terms the place probably isn't right for you. Good luck!
Awesome job! Keep it up!
Great job on your progress and pleased to meet you! Looking forward to your future posts and feel free to add me as friend if it moves you! Cheers and keep up the good work! ????
You are truly an inspiration! Complications from morbid obesity took one of my family members back in 2007, so I can certainly relate to your story. Blessings to you for having the strength to change your path and keep on going - it's definitely worth it! ????
Great job! Keep up the good work! ????????⭐
Super job! ⭐
Keep up the good work! ????
nunchucks and party hats..
The one good thing about eating like crap is that you have nothing else to do but improve. Keeping track certainly can be an eye opener. As you start making adjustments you'll find it gets easier. Since I started tracking mine, I've actually spent less at the store and replaced Nacho Cheese Doritos (one of my faves) with…
You all look wonderful! Congratulations and keep up the great work!
Not sure if these are available in your area - but I love Good Green bars as a snack. 10G of Protein per bar, vegan & raw, all natural and yummy! I usually only eat 1/2 a day - they last longer and I don't go over on sugar. Hope this helps and good luck! ????
Just thought I'd say 'hi!' and 'welcome back!' I'm relatively new to the site but like it a lot because it's helping with accountability. Cheers!
Thanks for the warm welcome! Your before and after pics are truly inspiring!
Thanks! You're right - looking forward to being a part of the community! I've added you as a 'pal!' Cheers!