

  • You'll be missed, Robin. Thanks for all the happiness and laughter.
  • For me my general train of thought was: - 'I should start running' - 'This is starting to hurt less and less each time' - 'Wow I just ran 5k!' - (after tracking my runs) 'Holy **** my pace is getting better week by week' - 'Wow I just ran 10k!' - 'That half marathon looks awesome, oh what the hell I can run 21k in 2…
  • A 10km was my first race, and it's a perfect starting point. If you train between now and October you'll do great, you'll probably be very surprised with yourself, cause the adrenaline of race day kicks in and gives you extra energy and speed. Just start training on longer runs and see where that takes you!
  • First marathon coming up on October 5th in Jersey, UK. I'm going to be happy to just finish but I'd love to do under 4 hours 10 minutes, that's the dream.