phoenix11rising Member


  • Thanks for responding! I have actually been in therapy for about 5 1/2 years, and a lot of that has centered around BED. I first started seeing my therapist when I was going through my divorce, and then we started to unpack all my "baggage," and let's just say I have learned a lot about myself. I have been binge-free for a…
  • I can only commiserate with you. I am only on my second week with Saxenda. However, the second day of the first week and now the second day of this second weekend (two doses after my first dose increase), I have been plagued with horrible bloating and gas, along with constipation. I also have been burping a lot more than I…
  • My PCP told me I could continue taking it I definitely. And my prescription plan considers it a maintenance drug. Without a discount card, it is like $225/month, but if it works, I will gladly pay that.