

  • If you can give up smoking you can certainly do this :) take one day at time and don't be too hard on yourself - the long term health benefits far away the odd 'falling off the wagon' and we are all human. Good luck
  • Oh yeah, I hear you loud and clear...dark chocolate for me. I keep several blocks in the fridge. Some have been there for months. I just need to have it close to me in case of emergency. Sad, but true.
  • Oh absolutely put my glasses on, before I even sit up....I need some kind of clarity in my day, if only from my glasses
  • Hey ncm251, I tried a vege burger tonight. Eatwells red lentil vege burger - good value for the calories but I wasn't entirely sold. Too dry? Maybe a bucket of tomato sauce needed??? I think I may be able to make something similar myself. These look like they are worth a try:…
  • Oh I love narnas!! Usually a daily staple, now consigned to the luxury list. Which is a very sad occaision for all :sad: My dear mother made an awesome minestrone soup that I took for lunch with 1 slice of soy and linseed's still holding now. 139 cal per cup, which I think is good considering it has ham hock and…
  • Sanitarium Not Burger ? never heard of it...shall have to try and find some tomorrow. I've been downing green tea because it is warm and 0 calories but not very satisfying. Great advice ncm251....vege burger + tofu are frankly new foods to me. My horizons continue to expand... Good news is that I now fit in my skinny suit…
  • Glad to see I'm not the only one shivering my butt off..I assume NZ is genuine chilly, not Sydney chilly. Elleinnz that soup sounds terrific...I hadn't though of tofu. I've bought some of those miracle noodles that only have 10 cal. per serve. I may have to try some of them added to my minestrone soup. I've scrounged…