

  • That's awesome! That's exactly why I have that day too, so that I don't binge. If I didn't TREAT myself sometimes, I would go insane and eat my entire house including the drywall. This keeps me in check, and happy about it.
  • I totally know what you mean. Also, on Sundays, I plan my day and my food around having a cheat meal - high in calories but I plan my day with very low calorie options so that it fits within my goal. Keeps me sane, satisfied and on track. Also, I weigh myself everyday. I know that I shouldn't, but it keeps me knowing what…
  • Thank you. That's what I've been seeing everywhere too, but like I said I have other people - who aren't trying to lose - down my throat about it, so I just wanted to get some opinions from people in the same boat. My friend started this a year ago and has lost 70 lbs. At some points, she would only eat 800 calories a day…
  • I just keep hearing about 'starvation mode' and my body holding onto everything because I'm not getting enough. Also, trust me, if I feel like a 'binge' is coming on, I don't stop myself from indulging a little, as long as I'm not going over my calories.
  • Thank you guys. I just had so many people saying that if I wasn't eating closer to my calorie goal I would hold fat, but it just seemed like too much food.